The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 877: Morgan C

Aah! Aiiieee! N-no, stop! STOP! STAY AWAY!

What?! ...That's Noire! Noire, hold on!

Morgan, hurry! Heeeelp!

What's wrong?! Are we under attack?! Are you all right?! And, uh... Why are you squirming around like that?

Buh... B-b-b-buh...



Hmm? Oh, will you look at that! It's a little red guy with black spots.

J-just get it off me!

Aaaand... got it! Aww, up close it's so adorable!

Augh, stop! Go! Get it out of here! It's crawling all over your hand!

All right, all right, it's outside now. Geez, Noire. I didn't think anyone could be scared of a little ol' ladybug.

It doesn't scare you? It was ON you!

Oh, I don't mind. I love bugs!

...All bugs?

Hmm, I suppose there are probably some exceptions.

Roaches and other creepy-crawlies that scuttle about in the dark are a bit gross. ... And giant fire-breathing scorpions aren't fun to be around.

Even the tiniest bugs terrify me... Pathetic, isn't it? We're trying to win a war, and I can't even face down a bug.

I wouldn't call it pathetic, but I guess it's better not to be scared if you can help it.

I know, right? Morgan, If I... If I asked you to help me get over my fear, would you do it?

You mean your bug phobia? Sure, why not?

I'll go collect up a bunch of my favorites and show them to you. Once you've seen a whole mess of 'em, you'll be used to it. Problem solved! (leaves)

M-maybe not... too many of them... Er, Morgan? Wait, Morgan, I... Hello?